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How to Cut Sugar and Still be Social

Sugar: it’s one of the most common social pastimes. A co-worker’s break-room birthday party always involves a sheet cake. That night out with friends means sipping sweet cocktails. Even dinner at a nice restaurant can turn into a “let’s split dessert moment.” And while we all love something sweet now and then, these little moments can add up to sabotage your hard-won health goals.

So, what’s the solution? Is there a way to cut sugar without also axing your social life? Fortunately, the answer is yes - and you don’t even have to give up the things you love.

Here are our top tips, from the 5 Sparrows family to you:

5 Ways to Stay Social and Sugar-Free

You shouldn’t have to change your lifestyle to take care of your health. And nobody wants to be “that friend” that can never eat or drink anything on the menu. Don’t worry, though - these tips walk the line between having a great time with the people you love and still making great decisions you’re proud of.

1. Know your options

The first commandment for anyone who wants to cut sugar is to know what’s available. In a social setting, it’s easy to get swept up and just go with the flow. Your friends are drinking cosmos, so you decide to join in. Before you know it, you’ve consumed a whole week’s worth of sugar, and you feel sluggish and jittery.

In a situation like this, a little pause can go a long way.

Before you go out to a bar or restaurant, research what they serve. Instead of that sugary cocktail, opt for your favorite spirit mixed with soda water and some muddled fruit. This option is equally delicious, but with none of the icky brain fog effects of a syrupy drink.

This is a tiny little mindfulness hack, but it can go a long way toward helping you cut sugar.

2. Bring your own

Not interested in dosing your coffee with that way too sweet coffee creamer Rhonda keeps in the break-room? You don’t have to. Take charge of your daily sugar intake by stocking your office and home with your favorite guilt-free goodies.

Stick a packet of our white chocolate coffee creamer in your desk drawer, for example, or bring your own spiced chai mix to your next coffee date. When you take control of what you put in your body, you can keep feeling healthy, happy, and good.

3. Opt for fresh fruit

Fresh fruit is a lifesaver for anyone looking to reduce sugar. Plus, it’s applicable to basically every situation. Are you going to a friend’s place for brunch? Bring a bowl of fresh fruit instead of sticky buns. Are you struggling with what to order for dessert? Ask for a side of fruit. Have the kids coming over for a playdate? Serve fresh fruit instead of processed snacks.

Fruit is beautiful, colorful, versatile, filling, and healthy, and you never have to feel bad about indulging in this delicious treat. Just make sure to use dark berries like blueberries and raspberries instead of mangos and grapes, which are full of natural sugar.

4. Discover stevia

Just because you’re trying to limit sugar in your diet doesn’t mean you have to swear off flavor or sweetness. Instead of denying yourself a moment of pleasure, look for smart alternatives that offer all the delicious taste you want without the processed sugar. Stevia is a great option.

Native to Paraguay and Brazil, Stevia is a delicious, zero-calorie natural sugar alternative. And since it’s 200-300 times sweeter than sugar, you can use less and still get that pleasant taste you want. Bonus: it’s usually available in packet form at coffee shops, diners, and other social hotspots.

Never tried stevia before? It’s the key ingredient in our delicious sugar-free drink mixes. Order your sugar-free coffee creamer sample pack to get a taste.

5. Swap the soda

Soda is delicious. Unfortunately, it’s also packed with sugar. For example, there are 39 grams of sugar in a single 12-ounce Coca-Cola. If you’re looking to cut sugar without sacrificing delicious drinks, think about substituting rather than going cold turkey.

Our yummy frappe and smoothie base is a great option. A guilt-free treat that won’t derail your health, this mix is delicious blended up with ice, milk, and coffee, and makes the perfect midday pick-me-up. See ya, soda!

Sugar-Free Looks GREAT on You

Sugar is social currency, and cutting it out takes some doing. With the five tips above, though, you can start minimizing sugar while still going to all the places you love and doing the things you enjoy. You’ve worked hard to focus on your health and wellbeing, and these simple tips will help you maintain the trend.

At 5 Sparrows, we specialize in creating delicious, sugar-free drink mixes to help you enjoy a daily ritual that won’t derail your health. Shop our selection now to discover your new favorite treat.